Outreach publications:

In Costa Rica, we have done several activities and produced materials aiming to make our project known, especially by the local communities in the area of the project. To this end we have elaborated a brochure with an overview of the project and submitted a scientific report with our initial results in Las Nubes Project and Bosque del Tolomuco. We have also prepared a bird checklist for Longo Mai Wildlife Refuge and a poster with preliminary results from this Refuge (see https://www.refugiodevidasilvestrelongomai.org/inicio/ephi-project).

In Brazil we work with the Mater Natura – Instituto de Estudos Ambientais (see http://www.maternatura.org.br/noticias/projeto-executado-pelo-mater-natura-estudara-interacoes-entre-especies-de-beija-flores-e-plantas-na-mata-atlantica/).  We recently completed an ebook on the hummingbirds occurring in Southeastern Brazil (in press) for students and tourists.  The book provides an overview of our project and some results. It also serves as a field guide to identify the hummingbirds, as well as some basic information on them. The eBook is a partnership with the National Institute for the Atlantic Forest (INMA). In addition, as the project progresses we will produce field guides for plants and hummingbirds to be used by local people and tourists at the areas where interactions were sampled.

In Ecuador, where we have been working the longest, we have produced field guides of the plants visited by hummingbirds corresponding to all the forest and disturbed sites of our project. The 12 guides encompassing nearly 400 plant species were submitted to the Chicago Field Museum where they will be available.

As another outcome, we prepared a brochure for the “Propagation of native plants used by high Andean hummingbirds of Pichincha”. This document can be found at the web page of Aves y Conservation. We have also completed a final report for each of the sites where we worked providing land-owners with information about our findings.

In addition to outreach publications, we have given numerous talks both at Universities, national and international congresses, local festivals and field stations/tourist lodges associated with field stations.  Some examples include:

Catherine Graham presented a lecture for professors, students and researchers at the Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil in September 2019.

Link: https://laboratoriodeinteracoes.wordpress.com/2019/10/02/palestra-do-projeto-ephi-nessa-sexta-feira/

We also gave a presentation of the project as part of the annual festival of the community in Longo Mai as part of our project in Costa Rica.

Additionally in Ecuador, Tatiana Santander, Esteban Guevara and Francisco Tobar presented at the National Institute of Biodiversity in Quito about the EPHI project and conservation applications regarding endangered hummingbird species,

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